Lore: Chapter 2

The Enduring Elves: A Legacy of Craftsmanship

Legends whisper of the Elves, the dominant race of the First Age. Scriptures unearthed near the western plains and carvings deep within Gravelduff Hollows depict grand Elven cities – some nestled in forests (Lehothas, a sprawling metropolis reaching 15,000 inhabitants at its peak), others hidden within jungles. These artistic beings reveled in aesthetics, pouring their extended lifespans into perfecting their crafts over centuries. Wood, not stone, was their favored material, their houses intricate masterpieces adorned with meticulously carved decorations that took decades to complete.

The Second Age brought change. As documented in recovered scriptures, the once-unified Elven society fractured. Younger generations, captivated by Dwarven stonework and Gnome tinkering, abandoned the time-honored traditions. The green leaf, a symbol of their heritage, remained a cherished motif in their clothing, jewelry, and dwellings.

Today, the Elves are scattered. Some toil on human fishing barges in Darkwell Harbor, others dwell in hidden northern forests, while a significant population resides in bustling Farfell. Here, they ply their trade in the bazaar, carving trinkets and tokens for sale. Only one Elven forge remains operational, crafting exquisite crowns and jewels for the Royal court.

A shadow falls upon their future. A band of young Elves, ostracized for their delinquent behavior, lurks within Farfell's underbelly. This growing concern weighs heavily on the council's two elder members, Felaern Lucern and Kymil Valrora. Both descendants of ancient lineages with roots in the First Age (Kymil even a descendant of Lehothas' king!), they see the erosion of their heritage as a personal affront. Kymil, a master jeweler, diligently trains his youngest daughter to take his place on the council, ensuring the continuation of their esteemed craft.

Travelers, a rare breed venturing into the northern Elven domain, bring back tales of both beauty and unease. Exquisite hand-crafted wooden statues, delicate jewelry, and intricate leaf tokens carved from diverse materials find their way to the Grand Bazaar. Whispers speak of misshapen Elves with elongated, darkened ears dwelling in ramshackle forest homes. Stories abound of hidden ballistas and concealed weapon caches – hints of a lurking fear that plagues these reclusive Elves.

Despite their isolation, the Elves are not entirely defenseless. Mountains guard their north and east, Darkwell port lies to the north, and Farfell city provides security to the southwest. Only the southeastern plains remain exposed, though only small farming villages dot the landscape there.

The Elves of Darkwell have adapted a seafaring life. Their stature allows them to excel at handling the heavy ropes vital for operating fishing barges, a necessity given the scarcity of farmland in the north. These Elves, focused on daily survival, have largely abandoned their artistic traditions. They readily take on work offered by the trading union, a few even rising to leadership positions within the guilds. Rumors of monstrous denizens of the deep seas are the only disturbances to their routine, aside from the occasional drunken sailor's tall tale.

The fate of other Elven communities remains a mystery. Some believe they ventured far south, beyond the vast desert, fleeing the "horrors" that marked the First Age's end. But no successful expeditions have ever returned from that unforgiving wasteland, leaving the Elves' ultimate fate in the south shrouded in speculation.